Thank you for your eyeballs.
- DJ
I wish I could say at the end of it all
That I gave all I had to give
But I'm living echoes of a life I never
Took the time or pride to live
It's all my fault
But that don't heal bruises
It only solves
Who wins and who loses
I wish I could say after the fall
That I'm prepared for the winter cold
But as the spring closes I'm left to myself
Still drunk from the days of my summer, my gold
Find in the faults
A wealth of excuses
It doesn't change
Who wins or who loses
My goal to start is at least one 4-6 frame strip per weekend, though I may supplement with smaller issues during the week if time permits. I will be participating in NANOWRIMO (NAtional NOvel WRIting MOnth) in November, so the weekly goal might even get hairy, but I wanted to give myself a reasonable commitment.
Wish me luck! Oh, and stay tuned for some character introductions over the coming week.
Thank you for your eyeballs.
- DJ
This unnerved me because I haven't eaten anything frosted in quite some time.
I should say that I'm not a big man. Well, not gigantic. But I do have folds and lumps in places where, not all that long ago, I used to have smaller folds and lumps.
To clarify, the frosting was not in one of the folds, but near the crest of one of the lumps.
How do I know it was frosting? Well, if it looks like a duck, and smells like a duck, I'm going to taste it to see if it's frosting.
It was. Thank god.
Thanks for your eyeballs.
- DJ