Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Political Discourse and the Interknot

Politics and the Internet are funny, and Facebook and other forms of social media kind of allow an interesting bird's eye view of things.

From what I can see, conservatives tend to surround themselves with other conservatives.  When a non-conservative wanders into their conversation and dares to interject logic, the group attacks - the mood is, let's kill this dog before it gets loose and hurts someone.  They also appear to think if they just believe hard enough the dog will change into something other than a dog.

Liberals don't seem to vet who they surround themselves with but assume that, having the intelligence to be included amongst their friends, you are obviously of a like mind.  As such, when the dog of logic appears to conflict with them, the group does their best to embarrass it into leaving by showing it how stupid and dog-like it is.  They appear to think if they just believe hard enough, the dog will never have been there in the first place.

There's an old saying that is not PC at all, but I think I may be able to redeem it.  Arguing on the Internet is like competing in the Special Olympics.  Even if you win you're still retarded.  A long time ago I had the privaledge to work for the Special Olympics and I say, at least with the Special Olympics there is a sense of teamwork, mutual respect and and overall humanity.

It's a pooptacular predicament we've bought for ourselves, and I want my 6 Billion Dollars back. 

Where my dogs at? 

Thank you for your eyeballs.
 - DJ

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