Do you remember when words used to mean something? I mean, when they
literally used to mean something?
Literally has lost its meaning. This word used to mean "in the literal sense" - in other words, these words I have said are something you can take to the bank. I'm not speaking figuratively - the reason for this term to exist is to differenciate these two concepts.
More and more I'm hearing things like:
This is literally the last twinkie on Earth.
- No it's not.
I would literally kill for a twinkie right now.
- If you would then my obligation as a citezen is to inform the police.
There is literallly nothing to do right now.
- Then how are you talking?
I literally have nothing to wear.
- Good, then that makes the choice easy.
I'm literally going to explode from all the Turkey I've eaten.
- Shit kids, someone get the camera!
I think I'd be a better person of people didn't suck so much.
Thanks for your eyeballs.
- DJ