Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year - the State of Stipewriter

Hello and happy New Year!

As you can see, the content has been light for DJ Stipewriter for the past few weeks. I've been going through my projects and trying to prioritize, then there were the holidays and there have been a few readings that I wanted to prepare some new material for. As such, Spatchcock and Faceballs have both been back-burnered and my focus directed toward more pressing projects. Once I clear a couple of the short term projects away I'll revisit those cartoons and figure out which one I want to focus on. I'd like to work on the artwork more and just don't have time. Faceballs may win out because of this since it really doesn't require much artwork at all.

This came about because in 2 days I turn 39. When I was 30 I made myself set some concrete goals I wanted to accomplish before 40. There were only two items that I can recall, finish recording a complete album of original material and publish a full length novel. With just 367 days left, I thought it was time to take inventory and redirect my attentions accordingly.

I've set 3 main priorities:

1. Submissions for Writing Excuses retreat scholarship (Due date: 1/15)
- Short story - 50% written.
- Changes to CNF piece about Joe and the Wolfdream - not started.
- Revisions to prologue to "God's Muse" - not started.

2. Novel - God's Muse (Due date - 1/4/2014)
- Status: 30% complete with first draft.

3. Linens and Things, the album (Due date - 1/4/2014)
- Songwriting - 95% complete (4 of the 15 songs needs a few lyric tweaks)
- Initial recordings - 5% complete (stalled due to equipment issues)
- Peripheral instrumentation - not started

So, my hands are pretty full right now. Rather than force out mediocre posts on a daily basis, I'm going to focus on quality when the inspiration strikes. I'm also considering releasing a novella here in serial form (mostly written already), but only if I'm making progress on items 2 and 3 above.

As always, thank you for your eyeballs.

- DJ

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