Wednesday, November 28, 2012

WTF Wednesday - Faceball

Hello All,

I'm busy.  I'm frustrated.  I'm not getting the things I want to get done done.  I'm at my wit's end. 

I'm just about ready to run and jump off the world when a) I realize that I will always land right back on it and 2) This exists:

Faceball tourney anyone?

Now, a word about NaNoWriMo.

I was feeling failurific as the month came to an end, because I am only halfway to that golden 50K word mark. Here is why I shouldn't. NaNoWriMo is a great inspiration to just write - get any words out, hopefully some ideas that present a clear plot will surface. But for me, it doesn't allow me time to do other things like draw or write songs. These are the things I think spur me on toward inspiration when the writing dries up. During WriMo I feel guilty when I do those things, like I'm shirking a responsibility, so I stop. Then absolutely nothing comes out. I need those distractions to keep me going. I'm glad WriMo works for some, it's just not conducive to my process. Then again, I could be just making myself feel better for not having been a "winner", though I am not alone in my thoughts that NaNoWriMo just isn't for every writer.

Thanks for your eyeballs.

- DJ

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